Credit Management
Some clients are truly unaware of their Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (S.W.O.T.). They are unaware of how to properly market and utilize their assets and resources to their maximum potential. Our consultants take a comprehensive approach to analyze and evaluate the entire operation from company financials, corporate credit health, to fixed asset management. A needs analysis is ultimately achieved during the education phase of our program. We believe in fully educating the client so they can understand and be aware of their efficiencies or lack of. Once educated properly in all facets of their operation, the client will understand and know what tools are necessary to help them obtain their goals.
First Option Capital
Your roadmap to business financial solutions
Working capital for your business!

First Option Capital, Inc.
1 Wrigley
Irvine, CA 92618
(800) 603-3945
We help you implement solutions to Improve Efficiencies and Maximize Profits.